It's a pleasure to drive in and around Midland. Don't believe me? Just drive around Austin, Texas, for a few days.
Take Ranch Road 620 in northern Austin for example. Perhaps it was a ranch road in the old days, but now it's a busy metropolitan thoroughfare. The speed limit ranges from 50 to 60 mph, but the road winds around and over hills and is interrupted with traffic lights and zillions of other vehicle entry points.
But, it's perfectly safe. Otherwise, why else would bicyclists ride on the paved shoulder, sometimes three abreast, sometimes as close as a foot away from the white line with cars zipping past at 60-plus mph? Yup. Perfectly safe.
It's horrible right now in Midland driving around. Especially at all the exit ramps on the Loop. People not yielding and people flying off the highway at 60 has caused a few wrecks that I've seen.
Posted by: Bert9785 | December 23, 2003 at 02:04 PM
Well, maybe it's bad everywhere. I guess it's just the time of year.
Posted by: George | December 24, 2003 at 05:00 PM