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January 27, 2004


$112K for a '69 Camaro?! Amazing.

They surely were bad cars, but do they really qualify for that kind of adoration. Well, I suppose beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.

(My uncle had one of the original Z-28s. He was a hazard to everyone in the county!)

That particular auction got pretty wild, and the high bidder was a Chevrolet dealer and Corvette collector. He must have really wanted that car.

I've been to enough producing property auctions to understand the dynamics that come into play when you have two motivated bidders. Let's hope the winner wasn't later overcome with cognitive dissonance.

Watching an auction with motivated bidders is certainly more entertaining than one in which the only bidder is a secured creditor.

As for the buyer of the Camaro, he was a car dealer himself, and if he overpaid for the car then that just might be some form of justice.

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