This has got to be one the most amusing clarifications to hit the pages of a newspaper in ages. From the Midland Reporter-Telegram print edition:
ClarificationOn Wednesday's front page, the Reporter-Telegram published a sports "teaser" - which was used to guide readers to a story in the sports section - that said: Midland High assistant coach says F-word."
The story in question was about Midland High's five "fumbles" in the 42-34 victory over Odessa Permian last Friday ... thus the "F-word."
It was never the newspaper's intention to offend anyone. To those who were, we apologize."
Oh my. It must be tough avoiding stepping on a toe every once in a while when there are so many of them out there.
I knew they were going to catch flak over this when I read the original article. Frankly, I was surprised it got past the editor.
No, I take that back. I'm never surprised anymore at what gets past the MRT's editorial staff!
Posted by: Eric | October 14, 2004 at 05:50 PM
Posted by: Redman | October 18, 2004 at 11:34 AM