Today's Midland Reporter-Telegram features a profile of Eric at Fire Ant Gazette.
New Blogs in town: The article also contains an incomplete list of the other local blogs. But, two more which should be included in any list of Midland blogs are Blogging for Midland and Bert's Blog. Both are new or nearly new blogs which look to have a tremendouls amount of potential.
Update: That was just the beginning. More new Midland blogs: Stark Trek, Ruminations, Sticky Doorknobs. Looks like I'm going to need to reinstate the blogroll for Midland Blogs. Best wishes to all of you. The more the merrier.
Update: "Midland Blogs" list updated.
Midland bloggers keep growing and growing. Midland bloggers are a virus! hahaha are there any Odessa blogs out there? To this day I haven't found one...
Posted by: Bert | February 15, 2005 at 01:50 PM
Look at the blogroll on the left and locate Bull Durham's Hot Corner. That's an Odessa blog. However, he focuses on movies rather than the everyday stuff that the rest of us write about.
Posted by: George | February 15, 2005 at 04:55 PM
That's for the shameless plug, George. I'll get Bert's blog linked up with all due haste!
Posted by: Chad Durham | February 19, 2005 at 11:30 AM
I am an ex-Odessan blogger. I no longer live in Odessa, but I would enjoy reading some Odessa blogs. Please email if you find some good ones.
Posted by: Kreig | June 24, 2005 at 05:00 PM