There are a couple of blogging Midland expatriates out there who deserve some attention. Trey Barker is a deputy sheriff in Bureau County, Illinois, who's an excellent story teller, in fact, he's an author. And although he has just gotten started with his blog, Bullets and Whiskey, it certainly has some great potential. His latest book, "2000 Miles to Open Road," is due out this month.
Then there's Aunti Cracker. What can I say about Aunti Cracker? Perhaps I should just let her speak for herself: "Aunti is a politically incorrect psychopath and Midlander stuck in Liberal Land." Be sure to let us know when the Oregon turns into a red state, Aunti C.
Too bad they had to move away, but how are you gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Paree?
It's not EXACTLY a blog, but Midland expat Ann del Llano runs the site Solutions for Texas, see:
Posted by: Scott | July 04, 2005 at 05:25 AM
Thanks Scott. She's listed now.
Posted by: Geo | July 05, 2005 at 04:41 PM
I shall return. These LIBS can not hold me here forever.
Posted by: Aunti | July 16, 2005 at 10:54 PM