Oh do the winds blow! Any bicyclist out there trying to pedal against that wind is getting a real workout. Today we had windy gusts up to 58 mph, but we were lucky, though. The farmers upwind haven't plowed recently, so it was a fairly clean wind.
But then there's the fire. All it takes is just a little tiny flame, and with high winds a fire can spread like, uh, wildfire. (Sorry about that.)
The local firefighters were certainly busy today, most notably with a fire Southeast of the city -- see photos. The city fire department fights fires anywhere in the county without regard to the city limits, so they stay busy.
And they are a hardy bunch of guys. Wearing those bunkers can sap a person's energy in no time just from the sheer weight. It gets hot, too, never mind the wind trying to knock them over.
But there they were, out there battling a blaze that took out several structures. And as expected, the firefighters ultimately prevailed.
An excellent way for citizens to learn more about the fire department and what firefighters do is to attend the Citizen Fire Academy. I attended the class in 2005, and it was an excellent educational experience with lots of hands on stuff. The next one starts on March 22, 2007, and it's a great opportunity. Check the 2/25/07 Midland Reporter-Telegram for an application.
And for reports on these pages about that 2005 class see Fighting Fires -- Handling a Fire Hose, and Fighting Fires at the Airport.. For the wrap up see Citizens Fire Academy.