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April 10, 2007


Wow. Nice post.

As a citizen, and one who supports the leadership of our fair city, I am confused.

I admire Chief Urby and I think he is a fair and wise man. I hate that he is retiring, but support his decision.

Don't personally know Menchaca, so won't comment there.

Have a lot of interaction with various other city people, so hear the rumors.

All in all, it makes me crazy and it would probably be easier to just not think about it. It's not the best plan of action, i think, for me to opt out that way.

Insofar as to the raises, I think our city employees should receive them - and posthaste. We have enough trouble in this economy keeping good employees - and these guys and gals put their lives on the line every day. Give them the money! We should never be behind in compensation for our public servants. Overall, we are a wealthy city. How can we be proud of our city and her accomplishments if we don't take care of those who serve us?

And if city council was shocked at how far behind we fell in monetary compensation, they aren't keeping up with things. In my opinion, we should never be behind. We should be ahead and leading the pack.

Sucks, that.


Well said, Janie. This is a community unlike any other. And I believe our fire fighters and police officers are top notch. They should be paid above average salaries, not below.

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