Tina Jauz's 4/17/2007 news release:
The Midland City Council has wrapped up an executive session held to discuss the employment of the City Manger and the Retirement of the Chief of Police.
The session ended at approximately 1:00 p.m. During the morning meeting, Police Chief John Urby requested time with the City Council. He announced to them his plans to proceed with his retirement effective April 30, 2007.
During the process, it became apparent to the City Council there are communications issues that need to be addressed. According to Mayor Mike Canon, “Through our discussions with the Chief, other Department Managers, Assistant City Managers, and employees, it is obvious that we need to address managerial issues and styles. This will start with the City Manager’s Office and filter through the entire organization.”
City Manager Rick Menchaca will remain in his position as City Manager. The City Council is ready to move forward and get back to the business of the City. “Going through this process confirmed we have a great city staff and a good system in place. I am confident in the work and service they provide to our community. The Council has listened to many concerns and identified things that need to be addressed. These improvements will be made so that our employees and our city as a whole can move forward,” said Canon.
Price Robinson, the one deputy chief who didn't sign The Letter could become the next chief. Hopefully he, or whoever becomes chief, can smooth feelings, mend fences and do whatever it takes to keep the police officers content with their jobs, and that's a tall order given this speculation in the Command Staff's letter:
We also hesitate because we fully believe that if this letter does not have the desired result, and we continue to work under the administration, there will most certainly be retaliation, be it overt or subtle.
So City Manager Rick Menchaca now has the opportunity to prove that he isn't as vindictive as they fear.
Related, see MPD Blue .