The League of United Latin American Citizens (no local website) is in the local news. Recently they were defending Chad Sanchez, the suspected murderer who was shot and killed by police on April 23, 2007. See Community Asks Why? In Police Shooting and Midland Hispanic group.
And now we learn that they are defending Rick Menchaca whose job as city manager could be on the line. See Council meeting agenda raises questions about Menchaca's job status.
These two individuals have two things in common: They both came under some form of attack by a governmental body, and they both have Hispanic last names.
I only have one question for LULAC: Given the zealous defense of people with Hispanic names, why have you abandoned Alberto Gonzales, of whom you said in 2005, “Now is the time to set aside politics and focus on Gonzales’ tremendous qualifications for this position?”
I think I know the answer.
Posted by: Labamigo | May 21, 2007 at 03:15 PM
I suspect that they can't set aside politics, is that what you think too, Labamigo?
Posted by: Geo | May 22, 2007 at 09:32 AM