Got a link in an email from a dieter. (Thanks, I won't mention any names.) It's a calculator that lets you plug in a weight and the time that will be spent on a particular activity. Then it tells you how many calories will be burned. Link.
The beauty of this thing is that it lists so many activities. Who knew that a 160 pound person could burn nearly 524 calories simply by sleeping eight hours? Even more by watching tv! And when our hypothetical weight watcher is shopping for food the number jumps way up there. Heck, with so many ways to burn calories, why diet?
But if you really want to burn some calories try running up stairs.
Thisd reminds me of a calorie-burning chart that came out a few years ago, which included preparations for - and engaging in - certain acts of intimacy ..... you could burn a couple of calories by removing socks in the conventional matter, and burn a LOT of calories shaking your feet to remove the socks.
Posted by: Jeff | June 15, 2007 at 07:48 AM
Jeff, not long ago there were reports of people who would take some sleep aid and end up raiding the fridge in their sleep. Too bad it didn't make them do sit-ups in their sleep.
Posted by: Geo | June 15, 2007 at 01:00 PM