Whether it's Beavis, Bart or Cartman, those bad boys of the toon world have tickled us like no humans could do. If these were live action characters acted out by real humans they couldn't be nearly as entertaining simply because they would be real humans -- thespians, actors pretending to be someone they aren't. Actors have feelings and opinions, and we would be awash in them with personal appearances, celebrity sightings and tabloid photos. But with the cartoons, what we see is all there is, and we are spared the histrionics.
So when Paris goes to jail, Lindsay gets nabbed, or Owen rides the ambulance, we have to hear about it nonstop. Forget the whales, save the celebrities! But with the toons, we know we can expect irreverence with a big dose of humor. And they know their places: on their shows and not the news.
Enough editorializing, now to the point. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have inked a deal with Viacom which will not only produce more Southpark episodes but will provide computer users access to those naughty kids at Southparkstudios.com:
"Three more years of South Park gives us the opportunity to offend that many more people. And since Trey and I are in charge of the digital side of South Park for the first time, now we can offend people on their cell phones, game consoles, and computers too. It's all very exciting for us."
- Matt Stone, August 27, 2007
One more thing. Toons don't outgrow their characters either.
Via Blowing Smoke.