See USA Today:
Free broadband for America has inched closer to reality: The plan, after two years of debate, is finally on the calendar for a full vote by the Federal Communications Commission.
Assuming the plan is approved at the FCC's Dec. 18 meeting — one of the agency's last before President-elect Obama takes office — free broadband could become reality within a year.
First proposed in 2006, the plan calls for a chunk of airwaves called AWS-3 — now idle — to be used for wireless broadband across the USA. Under terms being contemplated by the FCC, the winner of the AWS-3 auction would have to reserve 25% of network capacity, at least, for free broadband.
The winner would be allowed to charge for other services, including premium broadband that would offer faster speeds.
Assuming there are no last-minute snags, the AWS-3 auction will take place early next year.
Free. Now that sounds nice so long as taxpayers don't end up footing the bill.