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January 07, 2009


Sheeee-it...I hear ya! What a great show. If you liked "The Wire," check out the HBO miniseries "Generation Kill," which is new to DVD. It was produced by "The Wire" folks. Not quite as good as "The Wire," but still great stuff.

Thanks John. Ah, Clay Davis' favorite expression of contempt. You know, when the Illinois governor's pay-to-play dealings became public it was as if Clay Davis had come to life.

Thanks for suggesting "Generation Kill." I'll check it out.

I watched the first season of Mad Men on DVD last week and I was very disappointed in it. Have you seen it?

Redman, I tried to watch "Mad Men" when it aired on AMC. But I couldn't watch a complete episode. A lot of people seemed to have liked it, but it just didn't hold my interest.

Speaking of AMC, it's a shame they didn't bring back "Breaking Bad."

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