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June 01, 2009


...in this case, that is exactly what was accomplished.

So open season on anyone and everyone in law enforcement would, in effect, stop capital punishment?

not that I actually condone such a thing against anyone (except a "caught in the act" felon), but sometimes the logic displayed by normal people (Eric, are you normal??) baffles my mind.

You're not really a careful reader, are you, Stu?

Anyway, thanks for the announcement, George.

Whoa!!! I'm out of here!

I read it and understood it perfectly, Eric. I am guessing that you didn't like the similar comment (Killing to stop killing?!?!?) proposed for a different cause. I mean aside from the legality, morality and sheer assinine nature of the thought, it would in effect do just that (or did I not read that carefully enough??). It seems to be working in Mexico.

Stu, Eric's email address is available at his site, and that really is a better way to communicate with him. He's made it clear he doesn't want comments.

If you want to share your opinions with others then you might consider resurrecting your own blog.

yes sir. I offer my apology for offending you and your readers sir. And for the record I am glad Eric is blogging again. I liked his previous site and I am sure I will like his new site. I was just trying to illustrate the craziness of the quote in his post, I was not trying to be a blog troll.

And that was a pretty civil way to admonish me. Appreciated, sir. That is all.

Hey, I'm glad YOU'RE back, Stu.

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