Remember Dana Carvy's grumpy old man? "When I was your age seat belts were for sissies. When we had a car wreck we flew right through the front windshield, and we liked it!"
Well, meet Donald Mills, the crabby geezer who writes The problem with young people today is .... He nails them where it hurts: the piercings, the G__ D___ cursing, or most recently, the video games. Sample:
Well I have news for them. They may be able to throw a 50 yard pass on the “Madden Football,” and kill a man with their bare hands on the “Splinter Cell” but turn the games off and these young people would be hard pressed to pick their own noses without an instruction manual, cheat codes and parental assistance.
The only positive is it keeps them off the streets and out of the way of decent old folks out for a Sunday stroll.
Funny stuff. But Mr. Mills is probably some young whipper snapper just teasing his contemporaries while reinforcing the old timer stereotype at the same time.
More realistic advice comes our way via linkfilter, and it's etiquette advice for people 25 and over. The post is four years old so the advice to "Take your headphones off while interacting with clerks and passersby," needs updating -- hint, cell phones. Otherwise the advice still rings true.
Finally, to get those kids off the lawn try the Sonic Nausea. (Use indoors at your own risk.)