Hey, don't blame me. I don't enjoy this, I'm just doing the research so you don't have to.
Tiger Woods is alleged to have had an affair with former porn star Joslyn James who is now claiming to have been heart broken, the poor dear. Plaintiffs' lawyers, call your offices. Everyone else, get out your handkerchiefs.
What you see here is a cropped photo that appeared at Daily Mail showing then-and-now photos of her . You can see the full version in the extended post below. As to whether it's safe for work, that's above my pay grade, but it wouldn't hurt to be cautious.
To verify whether she really is/was a porn actress, see the X rated porn video Bruthas who luv Muthas. Now that one really isn't safe for work, or anywhere else for that matter.
Query, has any other well known philanderer generated so much grief among his women friends? Well, there was Paula Jones. But one would think that after 40 years of women's group consciousness raising, consenting adult cheaters would act more like adults.
Click on the extended entry to see the full Daily Mail photo. Note the leg tattoo for identity comparison with the XXX video XXX.
Dang, George!
Posted by: Jeff | February 23, 2010 at 04:06 PM
I'm just doing my part to make the whole affair understandable, Jeff.
Posted by: Geo | February 23, 2010 at 05:18 PM
Well, the material certainly raises ... uhhh ... interest.
Posted by: Jeff | February 23, 2010 at 05:38 PM
I added another X to that video link. It really is raw porn, and I wouldn't want someone to stumble into it unaware. Thanks, Jeff.
Posted by: Geo | February 23, 2010 at 06:44 PM
Joslyn James is definitely a pornstar alright and then some; she does twosomes, threesomes, multiple-somes.A woman with no limits; just the way Tiger likes it.
Posted by: Joslyn James Blog | March 07, 2011 at 08:04 PM
This is what a millionaire likes to do with his money; have hot sex with a pornstar who does DP and anal. Come on, if you had millions, you would probably do the same. Don't lie.
Posted by: Joslyn James Blog | September 20, 2011 at 12:15 AM