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May 10, 2010


Pretty much all of the County's records are already in a digial format (Criminal Case Files, Property Records, Probate, Civil Complaints, Commissioner Court Minutes).

I would suspect that making these records available on the internet runs up against one, or multiple of the following roadblocks:

1) Cost of server space/maintenance
2) Privacy Laws (Many records might have to be redacted to remove certain information)
3) Licensing Issues (The software companies, and/or the scanning and indexing companies may have retained certain restrictions for performing the services, usually at a reduced fee).

Harris County seems to have overcome whatever roadblocks were in place. But Midland County is no Harris County, and someone will have to take some initiative. Hopefully, Ross Bush is up to the challenge, Ospurt.

True, the resources in Harris County are much greater.

I'm sure Harris County has a much larger internal technology staff to do some of the heavy lifting that is being done by IT contractors in smaller counties, which helps with potential licensing issues.

I didn't register, but I found it interesting that the way Harris County addressed the privacy/ID theft issue was to require the creation of a free user account.

Looks like the Midland County District Clerk already has it online, but it's behind a pay wall. See latest update.

Well there you go, the fees probably cover licensing, cost recovery and some profit for the County.

FYI, Harris County isn't totally free. There are some parts of their system that charge a per page fee (thus a secondary reason for the free user account).

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