The concept of an Arabic suicide bomber is certainly not a new one. Porky Pig battled one in this 1940s cartoon.
Via Astuteblogger via Directorblue.
The colorized original can also be found at which notes, along with some technical information, the following:
The Arabs look evil and behave really bad in this racist cartoon, but the heroic pig looks a little strange too. There are no references to religion here, but some of the Arab stereotypes depicted have been revitalized in recent caricatures of Muslims, notably in the caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.
Spoiler alert! !
Suicide Bomber runs at the fort with a bomb strapped to his head. Porky opens the front door, Ms. Camel and Junior Camel open the back door, and Suicide Bomber runs straight through the fort smack dab into his fellow thugs, Ali Baba and his Dirty Sleeves.
Th th th that's all folks!
ah i loved reading that post! sounds gorgeous, can't wait until tomorrow!
Posted by: Jordan 1 | August 26, 2010 at 10:49 PM
I thought of this cartoon immediately after the 9/11 suicide bombings. I also concluded that arabs and/or muslims must have already been known as far back as the 1930's for their cowardly suicide bomber tactics, otherwise, why would Warner Brothers put it in a Porky Pig cartoon?
Posted by: Bill Calvo | September 30, 2017 at 01:39 PM