This computer virus was roaming all over the internet last week via emails to everyone in Outlook address books on contaminated computers. Mathew J. Schwartz tells about it in Cisco Pinpoints 'Here You Have' Worm's Virulence. We've all learned not to open attachments from strangers, but these appeared to have come from someone the recipient knew. Chilling.
But at least the text of the emails had some tells. describes an example:
The worm, which uses the subject line “here you have” and random text like “This is The Free Dowload Sex Movies,you can find it Here,” includes a link to what purports to be a PDF document but is instead an executable file hosted on a Web site.
It came from a hacker named "iraq_resistance" of the cyber-jihad organization called "Brigades of Tariq ibn Ziyad," according to the aforementioned article by Mr. Scwartz. The hacker takes credit in a youtube video which declares by computer voice that "the U.S. does not have the right to invade our people and steal the oil under the name of nuclear weapons." He concludes with "I hope the world understands I am not a negative person. Thanks for publishing." He's a little too hasty with the "thanks." People thinking of him as a "negative person" should be the least of his worries now that he's drawn a target on his own back.