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February 01, 2011


Here are the Stats from a government source (not an advocacy group) that you are seeking:


You can view data by State since 1995 under the Child Abuse & Neglect Research heading on this page at the HSS website. Pick a year and go to chapter 4 of that year's reports.

Texas has been at the top of child abuse and neglect fatalities for a long time.


I really shouldn't be critical of the newspaper. The paper arrives whether there's rain, snow, ice or sun, and I really appreciate that. Every reporter needs a break now and then, so I really shouldn't complain about a solitary recycled press release. But then it is costing $192 a year.

Ospurt, if the child abuse thing is a cause of yours you should help that advocacy group do a better job with the footnotes.

Hey, maybe they've stumbled onto a legal defense. "Yeah, I beat my kids, but government budget frugality made me do it."

My concern for this issue is much like any involved citizen's should be, so I'm not an advocate.

I just have this knack for finding source documents and statistics. I agreed with your questioning of the statistics showing Texas was leading this grim category by a large margin and wanted to see if I could find the source data myself.

Ospurt, some would probably like to generalize and say Texans are meaner to children than people elsewhere. But I don't believe it.

There are probably differences in definitions and reporting requirements among states. And if we want to make a generalization of our own, maybe Texans are more aggressive at reporting incidents.

I agree that the reporting between the states may be suspect.

I did note there were years where Texas did not lead in the rate per 100,000 children. Though, with years of data in this government survey I have to wonder why there would be a difference in reporting requirements and what purpose it would serve.

The reporting is probably done through state or local agencies.

In that case the only incentive for the states to conform would be the prospect of federal money coming to the state. Whether there is federal grant money involved in this issue is something I don't know.

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