When Barack Obama was campaigning for his current job he couldn't stop complaining about George Bush and all those evil things the Republican administration was doing to America. So now, a few years later, a good case can be made that what Mr. Obama has done to America is far worse. It's tempting to think that even most Democrats can see the damage he's done. But that may not be true.
Just because Democrats aren't as strident as they were during the run up to Obamacare, current union strikes notwithstanding, that doesn't mean they've flipped on Obama.
Michael Medved penned a sobering piece the other day titled Obama a 'Radical'? Get Real in which he maintains that Obama is smack dab in the middle of mainstream Democrat ideology. Excerpt:
In what sense does Obama count as more radical than FDR, the patron saint of the modern Democratic Party?
Where does he advocate government intervention and expansion more sweeping, costly or constitutionally questionable than the programs of the New Deal—or, for that matter, of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society?
President Obama not only conforms to the big government, tax-and-spend traditions that have characterized his party for nearly a century; he stands squarely in the center of the Democrats' current coalition. ...
Medved makes a valid point. As a commenter at this blog observed a few years ago, a Democrat candidate can count on 40% of the vote without even getting out of bed. And with Obama polling around 40% these days, we know where those favorable votes are coming from.
I really don't want to sound as though I'm bashing Democrats with this post. The ones I know are smart and caring. But once they enter the ballot box a little devil appears on their shoulder and convinces them that the only way to demonstrate that they really care about the downtrodden is to vote Democrat and let the government handle it. They could overcome that by taking the initiative to do something on their own without relying on the government.