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April 11, 2011


Like you I enjoyed the column. You are off on your editorial conspiracy theory. If you want to call me, I will answer any questions you have about the editorial process.
Stewart Doreen

Stewart, maybe the common folk wanted their taxes raised, but that's not what I saw at those hearings.

BTW, thanks for the offer to call, but I'm going to decline. I don't want to have to keep any secrets. :)

Always enjoy "Sleepless in Midland." If you change your mind, don't hesitate to call. We could still talk on the record.

That being the case, perhaps Mr. Williamson's experience on the editorial board might be a future topic for his column.

I've been reading your other blog for a while now and thugoh this one updates a bit fast for my liking it's always a pleasure to see what you think on subjects. I'm a long time fan, I loved those single panel cartoons you had in Dragon Magazine, and although I'm not quite as enamored with Nodwick, I really do love Full Frontal. Anyways I've been meaning to comment for a while now, I actually read the hunger games because I saw it mentioned on your other blog, and I figured anything good enough for Aaron Williams and Donald Southerland might be worth checking out (although full disclosure: you might not have had first billing on that list in my head). Anyways I feel your comments are right on the money here. In what other bit of fiction is the hero (male or female) a cold blooded killer? Was the author of the second article hoping for Katniss to stalk and kill the other kids? She kills four people in that first book, and unlike most action heroes in other movies, she is haunted by her actions. Everyone that entered the hunger games is haunted by them. One of the things that made me absolutely love the books was the refreshing narrative. Katniss doesn't need Peeta to win the games, he helps for sure, but really he's a hindrance more then anything. Katniss doesn't need Gale to survive in the woods around district 12. She likes the companionship and the extra set of eyes, but she doesn't need Gale to define her character unlike every other princess like character in other stories. Another interesting twist is that both boys fall in love with her and not the other way around. Katniss doesn't really start having feelings for either until after they reveal their love for her.Anyways, love your blog, Keep up the good work.

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