Some interesting bank robbery statistics from the FBI--
In 2010 there were 4,997 robberies at banks, a smattering of robberies at mutual savings banks, savings and loans and credit unions, for a grand total of 5,546. Additionally, there were 57 burglaries at banks.
The total loot taken amounted to $43,016,099.07 and $8,193,065.41 (19%) was recovered.
Most of the perps were black although whites ran a very close second. The most likely time of day for a bank robbery was between 9-11 a.m. and with a slightly better chance on Friday, but not by much.
The counter at a branch office in a commercial district in a metropolitan area in California was the most likely place to get hit.
Firearms were used in 1,445 (26%) of the cases, and firearms were threatened but not observed in 2,461 (44%) of the cases.
Acts of violence were committed during 236 (4 %) of the cases. The most likely person to get injured or taken hostage was a bank employee, but the most likely person to get killed was the perp.
Bait money was used in 1,830 cases. And tear gas or dye packs were taken in 562 cases.
Finally, there were 48 armored car robberies with a haul of $12,655,586.44. Of that $1,553,988.41 (12.28%) was recovered.
See the whole thing at FBI Bank crime statistics 2010.