Pakistan is very proud of its nuclear capability. And why not? It has certainly given them an edge in negotiating with the West. And the situation isn't made any better with China cheering them on.
As Americans celebrated the termination with extreme prejudice of former terror chief Osama bin Laden, Pakistani militants rallied to demonstrate against the U.S. So John Kerry's diplomatic skills were put to the test when he went to Pakistan the other day to try scold them for hiding bin Laden and to negotiate the release of the Navy chopper's tail fins.
Some details about the bin Laden raid have been made public, but something we don't yet know is whether Pakistan's radar was compromised prior to the raid. Richard Clark explained how the Israelis used a cyber attack to neutralize Syria's radar system prior to sending in F-15s to blow up a suspected nuclear facility a while back. So we know it's been done before.
But back to the point. Pakistan's nuclear facilities need to be neutralized.
The Stuxnet virus is supposed to have put a crimp in Iran's nuclear program. At this point we don't know how Stuxnet got into Iran's computers. But there's always the possibility that virus laden USB drives were placed in strategic spots to appear as if they were lost. And curiosity infected the cat.
Whether or not it happened that way, the technique probably wouldn't work again.
So here's how to get a virus into Pakistani computers: Internet porn.
Yes, pornography. Bin Laden collected porn on his hard drive, and with the crazy way the radical Islamists think women should be covered from head to toe, it certainly seems logical that the men would seek some sort of surreptitious sexual thrill.
So here's what the CIA needs to do: Create porn sites that might appeal to these guys. "Hot blond gets freaky under the hajib." "Lovely lady hot for Arabs." You get picture. Then those software wizards who built Stuxnet can sneak viruses into the porn videos, and before you can say "allah ackbar" those little worms go to work and eat out the insides of those nuclear warheads.
Hey, don't thank me, thank the people who have to create the virus. And the porn.
Brilliant... Why don't you rightaway forward you sweet mom's porn video to Pakistan's president.
he'll take care of the rest.
Posted by: SA | May 21, 2011 at 03:14 PM
Hey is this serious?
Posted by: Name | December 29, 2011 at 02:19 AM
i too have spend a lot of time reading news. it is such a fatsnatic operation and we are green with envy. but i don't see how this will effect indo-pak relation. that pakistan shelters, funds and trains terrorists is hardly a news here. and there are so far no sign that they will put a permanent stop to the anti-indian activities.knowing that fully well india seems to have decided recently that it may pay off to normalize the relation. you may call that injudicious decision or otherwise. but it is not out of an ignorance which is shattered by this osama-in-pakistan discovery.
Posted by: Jhon | May 18, 2012 at 07:29 AM