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May 18, 2011


I have a new neighbor who has brought a vicious pit into our neighborhood. They don't put him outside by himself, but when they are out, they let him run loose. He came after my dog or me, I'm not sure which, and I literally threw my dog into the house and grabbed a shovel and fended him off until his owner drug him away. I have already advised our Police Chief that I will now carry my gun when I go out front and if that dog comes into my yard again, I'll kill it.

Sounds like self defense to me, Suzanne.

. but when did it become gultiy before proven innocent? i totally agree, the dogs didn't mean to do what they did, they did it to get love they thought that if they did this maybe they can get some love (i'm talking about the dog fight dogs.) when did it ever, EVER! become okay to kill a dog because it was a pit bull? you know a long time ago the pit bull was thought of to be the best dog any one could have? but then some day after a person decided that the pit bull wasn't a good dog that the dog was horrible! and ever since the breed has been put on the death list? if pit bulls never existed, you know we'd all be saying that a dog like the rottwelier was horrible and needed to be put down like some are saying about pit bulls for once people GIVE THE PIT BULLS A CHANCE AT LOVE AND TO PROVE THAT THEY CAN LIVE A LIFE LIKE THE GOLDEN RETIVER OR THE YELLOW LAB HAS!

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