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July 22, 2011


As I told Fred earlier, one of my Senators, Mrs. Dole voted aaisngt the bailout last night. The other, Senator Burr, voted for it. Monday, Mike McIntrye a democrat, my Congressman voted aaisngt the bailout in the House. I know he has been beaten up by the Dems ever since, so I have NO idea how he will vote on it the second time around in the House either today or tomorrow. See, this is why I have been saying over the past two years we conservatives are going to have to have our own party. The repubs are happy to use us and abuse us, but the bottom line is they don't give a damn about us and would give durn near anthing to be rid of us. We are a burr under their saddles. I really wish I had a political party and a presidential candidate I could get behind and support! I HATE this! I feel sidelined not being in the fight. And I do not like it!J. D. Longstreet

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