Anyone carrying a handgun wants to be certain that the manual safety is on, or if there is no manual safety, that the trigger is covered. All right, that's the lesson. And if you are a guy, stop reading right now. I hate to lose you, but you need to look away now. It's for your own peace of mind.
OK. You've been warned. Here's the story from
CHANDLER, Ariz. — As Joshua Seto, 27, and his fiance, Cara Christopher, walked to a local grocery store last week for refreshments, he tried securing her pink handgun in the front waistband of his pants.
The gun fired, striking Seto's penis and continuing through his left thigh. The bleeding started immediately and was heavy, according to police dispatch recordings released Sunday. ...
Best part: The 911 operator told the fiance to apply pressure but avoid looking at the wound. She had to look. It's unknown whether the wedding is still on.
Also found at
Hat tip CS who advises that a good holster is more than just a convenience.
And for movie fans, a "Pulp Fiction" bonus: