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December 27, 2011


Ghosts do not have a "lifespan"; they may, however, have a finite "deathspan," or transitory "limbospan."

Or perhaps an "after-lifespan."

I have read alot of books on the subject of ghsots and ghost hunting and I think this may just be the best of them all. At first I wasn't sure when the author got in to the brain stuff but it really makes you think, and it was very interesting. I like how he goes over so many different paranormal subjects, and he makes you think about all the possible reasons for activity. He's not trying to make you believe one way or the other,(which I find a refreshing change) but rather gives you all the options to consider so you'll take more time to review things. I think this book is a must for beginners. It's well written in simple language so you don't get lost in all the technical talk. Experienced investigators can benefit from this book too. There are good books on the subject out there but if you're looking for one you can refer to time and time again this is the one.

Why has the cleaning lady aged when she died in her twenties?

Good point, Jess. You've found a flaw.

If a body is retired from where it used to be, like Moira's almost was, will the ghost be freed?

a baby born of a human who was impregnated by a male ghost

will be evil and might even be the Antichrist.

If you say so. A rule or an encouraging word.

Moira (the maid) appears as an old woman to women and a young woman to men. This is because men only see what they desire -- however if a man declines seeing her as a sexual object, they will see how she truly looks. Women see her as old because women's intuition allows them to see things as they truly are. I hope this helps.

DUde are we forgetting that dead Hayden in ep9 went to a bar with Ben therefore left the house still as a ghost

That was a flashback, Annalise.

So Tate died when the police shot him for the murder of the students, that was in the house when he lived there, right? So how can he travel all the way to the beach with violet when I thought ghosts could only travel a certain distance then disappear?

Alex, that was on Halloween. The one night of the year when the spirit's of the dead are free to walk among the living. I theme repeated in the series. Also,it would seem that the ghosts do whatever they do based on whatever they are most passionate about in their life before they died. Love, sex, fixated on a lost baby,

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