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January 17, 2012


A very interesting comment on Glock pistols, omitting that the bid for which Mr. Glock was competing specified that the pistols had to continue to function after total immersion in water, sand, and mud. Cute little buttons and levers designed to prevent firing of the pistol by idiots who did not know what action the trigger initiated had a tendency to allow one's enemies ample time to kill the bearer of a less-than-freshly-cleaned weapon.

I suggest that Mr. Glock did not "go wrong"; he designed a pistol which is ready to fire at once, with no little gadgets to remember to turn on, or off, or sideways, a pistol with ample built-in automatic protection against unintended discharge, and yet a pistol that would go "BANG" every time the trigger was pulled.

Dropping a handgun in a pool of mud is probably a very infrequent occurrence among civilian handgun owners. But that particular circumstance, as rare as it might be, is infinitely more probable than a circumstance in which the gun owner's life depends on the fraction of a second it takes to flip a manual safety.

Complaints about the time it takes to flip a manual safety make me think of the cowboy movie/TV actors of the 50s and 60s who could grab a single action revolver, draw it from a holster, cock the hammer, aim it, and pull the trigger in less time than it would take an observer to start and stop a stop watch.

I blame the obesity epidemic. Modern products have to be made to accommodate slow, fat fingers. And now that I think about it, it's possible modern gun owners do drop their guns in muddy pools more frequently.

God help me, I put aside a whole atfernoon to figure this out.

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