Anyone who either likes dogs, dislikes busybodies, or enjoys a good retort should appreciate this. It's a letter from novelist E.B. White dated 4/12/51 to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in response to an alleged complaint from the said ASPCA that Mr. White was harboring a dog without a proper license.
Mr. White's letter implies that Minnie is a very coddled canine. Here's an excerpt:
Dear Sirs:
I have your letter, undated, saying that I am harboring an unlicensed dog in violation of the law. If by "harboring" you mean getting up two or three times every night to pull Minnie's blanket up over her, I am harboring a dog all right. The blanket keeps slipping off. I suppose you are wondering by now why I don't get her a sweater instead. That's a joke on you. She has a knitted sweater, but she doesn't like to wear it ...
Read the whole thing at You'll be glad you did.
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