Being a Democrat means accepting contradictions. For example, take a look at these bumper stickers on one vehicle. They might be on the rear window, but they are bumper stickers first and foremost.
The top one says:
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
Must be an old one, but it sounds very libertarian. That slogan gained popularity after the attack on the twin towers as the Patriot Act, the TSA, and all sorts of restrictions became part of our daily lives. George W. Bush was president then, but once Democrats regained the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House we would be free people again. Right? At least that was the hope and change promised in the campaign.
Freedom is a wonderful thing, but Americans have given up so much that we are like the quintessential boiled frogs.
Let's skip to the bottom sticker:
"Mean people breed little mean people."
This is the one that got my attention, and I didn't even notice the others until I enlarged the photo. It's a rather controversial theory, but there are a smattering of studies supporting the proposition that some people have a genetic disposition toward criminal behavior. So is the person who put the sticker there merely making a statement or advocating for a cure? The cure, in this case, is worse than the disease, and it's just a tiny bit contradictory to bumper sticker number one.
Sandwiched between those two, an Obama sticker:
How the heck does one reconcile an Obama sticker with those other two?
The first sticker was for liberty, and President Obama has done nothing to make Americans freer. All the restrictions there were in place before he became president are still there plus many more. Ask the financial, automobile and healthcare industries if they are freer than they were four years ago. In fact, with ObamaCare he turned up the heat under the frogs so high it triggered a splash-back that might just make him a one term president.
As for the eugenics sticker, President Obama hasn't made any public statements on the issue, as far as I know, other than to encourage abortion. Democrats always seem to have a boogie man, however. And one characteristic that many liberals have in common is a hostility toward people who are successful. Perhaps it's resentment for their own lack of skills, but their boogie man is typically someone who has been economically successful and doesn't agree with the liberal agenda. And he won't share what he earned with those who lack his skills. He's that mean.
So here's the way to reconcile all of these stickers. Sure, the vehicle owner favors liberty and freedom. But not for everyone. Those rich mean people should be punished by having their wealth removed. And if they breed little mean offspring, a death tax should be big enough to cut them down to size. Obama 2012.