Twenty million by 2020. That's the ambitious goal set by the Midland Community Parks and Recreation Endowment Fund to benefit the park system in Midland, Texas.
Midland government officials like to ride the crest of the wave, and the department heads aren't shy about asking for more money each year. I remember that time way back in 2009 when the city council didn't hike taxes. Those were the good old days. But enough nostalgia.
Today the Endowment Fund had its fundraising kickoff with a brisket lunch, a celebration cake, and a plea for generosity. The best part about the whole thing is that donating is voluntary. It's so much easier to give because we want to instead of having it taken from us.
Click Parks Department to visit the parks website. The Endowment doesn't appear to have one yet. But you can get the address for mailing a check off the picture of the brochure, below.
My goal for the park system would be must more modest, and that would be to make the current parks more user friendly with year round restrooms. Currently, the park restrooms are locked up during the months of November through February to prevent the toilets from freezing. To install year round restrooms would require temperature control. And that would be too expensive. A more modest solution would be to put a couple of porta-potties in high usage parks during the winter months. Yes, it would cost something to maintain them. But it would be cheaper than heated restrooms. However, Midland government officials believe in doing things first class or not at all.
In the meantime, park users just need to adapt. In that regard, the parks need more bushes!