Lettersofnote.com has on display a letter from Frank Sinatra to columnist Mike Royko complaining about something Royko said. The best part is where Sinatra refutes Royko's assertion that Sinatra had a "tough reputation" with a bet and a threat. Quote:
Regarding my "tough reputation" you and no one else can prove that allegation. You and millions of other gullible Americans read that kind of crap written by the same female gossip columnists that you are so gallantly trying to protect; the garbage dealers I call hookers, and there's no doubt that is exactly what they are, which makes you a pimp, because you are using people to make money just as they are.
Lastly, certainly not the least, if you are a gambling man:
a) You prove, without a doubt, that I have ever punched an elderly drunk or elderly anybody, you can pick up $100,000.
b) I will allow you to pull my "hairpiece"; if it moves, I will give you another $100,000; if it does not, I punch you in the mouth. How about it?
Ha ha! Yeah, he was just a big old pussy cat. Emphasis added.
Via Letters of Note.