One of the memorable campaign ads this season was David Dewhurst's attack ad featuring a party to a lawsuit in which Ted Cruz was a lawyer working for the other side.
Watch Dewhurst's ad here.
Apparently, Jordan Fishman and his companies sued several Chinese tire companies for theft of trade secrets and infringement of copyrights and trademarks. And the case at the trial level ended with Fishman winning a judgment for $26 million which was reported to be the largest sum awarded by a jury in Virginia in the year 2010.
The losing side hired Ted Cruz to represent them in the appeal. This brief appears to be the document Cruz filed on behalf of the defendants.
But the questions Dewhurst and Fishman should answer are these: Did Cruz do anything illegal? Did Cruz do anything unethical? Did Cruz violate any bar association rules?
The answer to those questions must be "no" otherwise Dewhurst whould have told us about it. And it appears as if Cruz merely presented a vigorous defense however offensive it may have seemed to the plaintiff.
Lawyers' careers are spent representing someone else, and they shouldn't be judged by their clients but whether they vigorously represented the clients' interests in a legal and ethical manner, even if their clients are unpopular. After all, if they are elected they will be representing us.