How do you conduct terrorism training without calling the enemy a name that offends someone? A "terrorist" is someone else's freedom fighter, we were once told. They can't be Muslims because politically powerful groups take such offense when Muslims are singled out as potential terrorists. There can be no race, origin or gender distinction or you risk violating some federal law.
The politically correct solution is to call them "zombies." So for the five days of Oct. 30 to Nov. 2 the "Zombie Apocalypse" is supposed to be taking place at the Paradise Point resort in San Diego at a cost of $1,000 per participant where Marines, Navy special ops, soldiers, police, firefighters and others train to deal with terrorists or zombies or something.
For the rest of us there's always the CDC's Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse.
Zombies used for counterterrorism training.
Marines, police prep for mock zombie invasion.
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Posted by: with regard to | November 30, 2012 at 05:13 PM