Today is their 25th birthday. Media Research Center has made a major contribution to the public discourse by exposing media bias in a way that gets noticed as well as providing a voice for those who are disgusted by it.
Unfortunately, the reporters MRC highlights are usually so biased they are unable to recognize it in themselves. Or more likely they just don't bother to hide it anymore.
Last week MRC had its 25th Anniversary Gala and 2012 DisHonors Awards program. Among those dishonored along with their awards were as follows:
Click the link to watch the clips."Obamagasm Award" winner was Chris Matthews.
"Vast Right-Wing Knuckle-Draggers Award" winner was Thomas Roberts (daytime MSNBC host).
"Damn Those Conservatives to Hell Award" winner was Ann Curry.
"The Barbra Streisand Political IQ Award for Celebrity Vapidity" winner was Sean Penn. (David Letterman was a runner up. Better luck next year, Dave.)
"Worst Reporter in the History of Man" winner was Katie Couric.
This next one was a genuine honor:
"William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence" was awarded posthumously to Andrew Breitbart.
Happy b'day MRC! And thanks for continuing to lampoon those reporters who can't stop sucking up to Obama and belittling people who don't agree with them.