It's hard not to laugh at TV reporters sometimes, especially in hurricane season.
They are so earnest and exited. Newcomers to hurricane prone territories become jaded by about the second season they are there. That's the case on the Gulf Coast, anyway. Sometimes it pays to get exited, but usually most of the gusting wind comes from the reporters' mouths.
Now granted, hurricane Sandy did bring a large amount of water on land. But in the midst of it the streets of NYC looked damp but not flooded as people strolled in view of the Times Square web cam.
Back to the TV. I don't remember which network it was, but there was the typical hurricane reporter standing out in the wind and rain talking to the camera. And he remarked about all the other people out and about as the hurricane was just off coast and how they should not be there. He was so quick witted he immediately recognized that he himself was violating his own advice. But it was OK because he was a trained reporter. Hilarious!
Dan Rather blazed the hurricane reporting trail, and intrepid reporters have been following the soggy footprints of that questionable roll model ever since.