Had to laugh at an item on the local TV news last week. Seems that some citizens took it upon themselves to help alleviate the housing shortage by renting out rooms to the Permian Basin Oil Show attendees.
So along came the state comptroller warning them they have to collect the hotel/motel tax. Link. So maybe now some of those citizens will display a little righteous outrage over that tax.
The hotel/motel tax is one of the more sinister taxes governments collect, because it's a tax on passers-by who typically don't get to vote in that jurisdiction. To the taxing entities it is free money.
They say the reason hotels and motels are flashing "No Vacancy" signs is because many oil field workers are living there because they can't find other accommodations. Meanwhile, that money taken from them for the hotel/motel tax is supposed to be used to bring even more people into the city. All taxes are permanent, of course, so the fact that it outlived its purpose is irrelevant.
Previously: Taxing People Who Can't Say "No" - The Motel Occupancy Tax.