Maybe someone who follows West Texas high school football knows the story behind this. Take a look at these two photos from the Midland Reporter-Telegram issues of 11/24/12 and 11/26/12. Notice anything unusual about the players?
All of those young men seem to be sporting blond hair. Is that a coincidence? The odds are against it being a natural phenomenon.
They are identified as Greenwood High School football players, but they look like adolescent kids from the Village of the Damned, minus the scary eyes.
Maybe their mothers were impregnated by one of those fertility doctors who used blond sperm to impregnate his patients. But that's even more unlikely.
Perhaps the boys bleached their hair to intimidate their opponents. Gorgeous George would be proud.
What they need now is a good Haka dance to really intimidate their opponents, perhaps to the tune of a Beach Boys song. Or they could just use their Village of the Damned powers to cause turnovers. Either way.
[How did you miss Bleach Boys? Robo-ed.]