With the economic boom comes traffic jams and car wrecks. The city released some stats the other day, which MyWestTexas.com passed along to us, which tell us that traffic has increase 10.07% and traffic accidents have increased 13.5%.
Maybe that's a good time to repeat a truism: The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that deep down inside we ALL believe we are good drivers.
The city council intends to put stop to that. Another MyWestTexas.com article tell us they plan to seek a traffic study to address solutions to traffic problems. Hopefully, some of those solutions will help traffic flow -- like coordinated traffic lights -- rather than slowing it down.
(Apology: I intended to reference some of the prior traffic reports to note that the intersections with the most accidents are not always the same from year to year, and maybe include a good wreck photo. But that will have to wait due to time restraints and a 2012 report that didn't contain as much intersection information as the previous ones. Hopefully, the company that gets the contract won't focus only on the intersections topping the 2012 list.)