Shortly after the Kaufman County DA and his wife were assassinated, our local paper's print edition gave us a front page article borrowed from which tried to tie the murders on the Aryan Brotherhood. See God forgives. The Aryan Brotherhood of Texas does not. One had to read the whole thing to conclude that there was no evidence and that it was mere conjecture.
But that was irrelevant, the story had a good narrative -- prison gangs, revenge, and white supremacists, especially white supremacists, without whom the hot button of racism couldn't be pushed.
Here's a tip for newspaper readers everywhere: Whenever you see the Southern Poverty Law Center quoted, your BS detectors should go on high alert. You may remember the SPLC from its snarky comments about Fox News and the Tea Party rallies of 2009. The msm, unfortunately, accept their opinions as fact. Round up the usual suspects.
So now we learn that former Kaufman County JP Eric Williams' wife Kim just confessed that she and Eric committed the murders.
No one is going to ask how the Aryan Brotherhood is going to get its reputation back. But this isn't really about the Aryan Brotherhood. This is about the once proud profession of journalism and how the effort to be on top of things looks more like an effort to get attention from the cool crowd.