Americans are riddled with modern-day afflictions, and new ones come along all the time.
Smart phones were bound to cause a few. And how we have Nomophobia, or “no mobile phone phobia.” Symptoms include:
obsessive checking, constant worrying about losing it even when it's in a safe place, and never turning it off. According to a recent study from mobile tech company SecurEnvoy, people check their phones 34 times a day on average—and 75% of people surveyed say they take their phones to the bathroom. And nomophobia is apparently on the rise, with 66% of us meeting the criteria for the condition—up from 53% four years ago.
The iZombie in his natural state typically stands in one spot staring at his communication device. Take it away and he's overwhelmed with anxiety, paces about his cage, doesn't eat, looks at the device several time a minute. Once it's returned he resumes the typical iZombie state as if nothing had happened.
CM Punk just brought the World Heavyweight Title to RAW. There continues to be news that the WWE belt maker has made a spinner version from the World Heavyweight Title, indicating that John Cena will hold the Heavyweight title quickly. So the WWE belt in the poster could well happen to be the new Heavyweight belt..
Posted by: acne | May 05, 2013 at 03:31 AM