President Obama, his administration, and his media enablers worked very strategically at politicizing the George Zimmerman trial. And it paid off for them at the ballot box in November 2012. So what if Barack Obama had been president at the time of the O.J. Simpson murder trial?
Let's go back a few years and recall the O.J. Simpson murder trial in the mid 1990s. All the evidence pointed to his guilt, and most white people were stunned at the not-guilty verdict. They were even more stunned at the videos showing black students cheering wildly as the not-guilty verdict was announced.
But that was the trial of the previous century. Let's speculate on what would have happened had the racially divisive Barack Obama been president back then.
-Eric Holder would devote all the resources of the United States Department of Justice to help find the real killer.
-Barack Obama would praise the jury system for rendering the right verdict.
-NAACP would demand that the entire LAPD be fired.
-Piers Morgan would bemoan racist prosecutors and demand they be fired.
-National Organization for Women - "Nicole Brown Simpson was asking for it."
-David Simon would say the verdict "makes me proud to be an American."
-Mark Furhman would be jailed for hate speech.
-Eric Holder: "White people need to have an honest conversation about why they are all a bunch of racists."
-Nancy Grace: "This innocent man should never been brought to trial!"
-Barack Obama: "If I had a son he sure as hell wouldn't look like Ron Goldman."
But, this is mere speculation.