On the surface this looks like a typical feel-good gun control stunt. Looking deeper, that's exactly what it is. Here's what the executive order says :
Keeping Surplus Military Weapons Off Our Streets
When the United States provides military firearms to its allies, either as direct commercial sales or through the foreign military sales or military assistance programs, those firearms may not be imported back into the United States without U.S. government approval. Since 2005, the U.S. Government has authorized requests to reimport more than 250,000 of these firearms.
Today, the Administration is announcing a new policy of denying requests to bring military-grade firearms back into the United States to private entities, with only a few exceptions such as for museums. This new policy will help keep military-grade firearms off our streets.
Obama probably wants the low-information voters to think he's keeping AR-15s out of the hands of crazy killers, but he is specifically targeting old WWII rifles to keep them out of the hands of collectors and theoretically, competitors in Civilian Marksmanship Program matches.
DailyCaller.com notes the issue with Obama’s new executive order will kill the 110-year-old Civilian Marksmanship Program.
The CMP was established as a result of the 1903 War Department Appropriations Act to help citizens develop or retain their shooting skills should those skills be needed in time of war. Today the CMP is a non-profit organization that, until this executive order, accepted surplus American military rifles and sold them only to buyers who met strict eligibility requirements. But today those guns are rare, and one in private hands is a treasured item. Obama wants to keep them off our streets? For crying out loud.
One has to wonder why Obama would want to ban the importation of any of these old rifles still in existence. Of course, the whole gun control movement is based on a false premise anyway. And the effort to disarm law abiding citizens should make us very suspicious when we factor in all the other things the government is doing to us under the guise of making us safe. But this particular ban is just ridiculous.