To rephrase the question, could a Swedish style socialist system work in the U.S.? No, says the American Enterprise Institute. Here's why:
1. Sweden is small enough that money on social causes isn't wasted like it would be in the U.S.
2. Sweden spends a tiny amount on defense. Americans couldn't live with that.
3. Until recently Swedes were more homogenous which makes for an easier consensus.
4. Sweden has several political parties that form coalitions as opposed to the two party system in the U.S. The author contends that that "promotes the election of a government that advocates for an array of lines of thought, to the greater support of a larger portion of the people."
5. Most importantly, Swedes trust their government.
Sweden: a nice place to visit, but we wouldn't want it to live here. Read the whole thing at American Enterprise Institute.
Meanwhile, the Obamacare debut can serve as exhibit "A" on why socialism won't work here.