The English language is constantly evolving, and words come in and go out of fashion all the time. But sometimes it isn't a natural pace, especially when the grievance committee fixates on a word they don't like. The current word in the bulls eye is "Redskins," as in Washington Redskins.
There are those who want to move the word "redskin" into "N" word status even though most people think the current usage as a team name is OK.
But, we can't stand in the way of progress, or to put a finer point on them, progressives. So let's come up with a new name for the Washington Redskins.
The name should be similar enough to Redskins so as not to confuse too many people, so we'll try to keep one of the syllables. Personally, I like "Whiteskins." White people are seen as the great oppressors, so maybe that's an intimidating enough image.
Or maybe just "Skins." Every male over a certain age was probably a "Shirt" or a "Skin" in some school yard game.
Perhaps a more appropriate name would simply be "Reds." The "Washington Reds." Yeah, that would work. The current administration has accelerated the nation's pace toward socialism, and although "Reds" is more closely associated with communism, it's close enough.
Anyway, here are a few more suggestions:
Washington Bureaucrats;
Washington Regulators;
Washington Tax Collectors;
Washington Bullies;
Washington Tape Worms;
Washington Goal Post Movers.
Editor's input: If the objective is to put fear into the hearts of opponents, why not name them the Washington Killer Robots? - Robo-ed. | That'll happen soon enough, Robo. Let's not rush it. Meanwhile, Washington Spambots might fit. - Sleepless.
Editor's second input: Krauthammer wrote a post dated 10/17/13 that said some of the same things you did. Is he stealing your ideas? - Robo-ed. | Well, I doubt if Karuthammer reads this blog, so maybe the points and analogies were so obvious anyone could come up with them. - Sleepless.