Well, OK. But that seems merely to be a modification of six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Apparently Facebook has managed to knock off a degree. But to be fair to the keepers of the Kevin Bacon database, the unknown speaker must have intended to say that every Facebook user is separated from every other Facebook user by five Facebook users.
And isn't it a little bit creepy that Facebook computers are doing that sort of thing? I mean, it's not as if Mark Zuckerberg is really that interested in human relationships other than as they serve his social media empire.
Editor's note: Oh don't be such a fuddy duddy. His business model is no different from any other supplier of consumer products. He gives people what they want and makes money along the way. Robo-ed | Yes, but don't forget that every entry into a Facebook page goes into a database for mining by other consumer product sellers as well as government agencies and probably political advocacy groups. Sleepless
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Posted by: yo | January 20, 2014 at 11:53 AM