Pop quiz -- Who is this African American woman:
As of September 2013 she ranked #184 on the Forbes 400 list;
She was ranked as the 13th most powerful woman; and
In 2010 she was ranked as the 64th most powerful person.
Answer: Oprah Winfrey. (That was too easy.)
Given these rankings, one has to wonder how that could happen if we are all a bunch of racists. Nevertheless, here's a statement from her quoted at Washingtonexaminer.com:
... you know, for my own community in the South — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.”
Poor Oprah. If she honestly believes a person can't overcome some early exposure to racism, then she must be speaking for herself. And we all must hope she can eventually rid herself of that nasty racism before she dies.
But she doesn't honestly believe it. She's just another race hustler trying to sell movie tickets. But she and the other race hustlers are doing great harm. Here's what Thomas Sowell said about them recently:
So long as the race industry -- the Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons, and their counterparts in various minorities -- can get political or financial mileage out of being offended, they are going to be offended. The only thing that will put a stop to this racket is refusing to be taken in by it or intimidated by it. ...
But who is most influenced by this? More from Sowell:
Young blacks are especially susceptible to the message that all their problems are caused by white people -- and that white society is never going to give them a chance. In short, they are primed to resent and hate individuals they have never seen before and who have never done a thing to them.
And so we have this violent phenomenon that has been going on for a while but which the msm has only recently discovered, the knockout game.
Back to Sowell:
The blind and dishonest political correctness of our media and educational institutions on racial issues today can eventually forfeit the confidence of Americans and give similar extremist groups their chance to ignite a race war in the United States. And once a race war starts, it can be virtually impossible to stop.
Maybe some rich, influential woman like Oprah could try to be a force for good and stop pouring gasoline on the fire.