Democrats plan to recycle that mythical war-on-women for the next campaign season. That's according to Politico. See Democrats resurrect War on Women messaging.
It is a myth that will take some truth bending to make it believable. But that never stopped them before. Unfortunately, it requires women to see themselves a victims, and it just goes to show that the self-esteem movement that we hear the schools have pushed on students was a useless gesture. If women need some lessons on self esteem they need to look at women who have really been victimized and who persevered. Sarah Palin comes to mind.
Then there's the myth about pay inequality with men. Excerpt from Politico:
The DCCC and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee are preparing to mount efforts focused on pay equity as the centerpiece of a larger economic argument targeting women.
The only way to find pay inequity is to compare the paychecks of large groups of women with large groups of men without regard to the type of work, skill requirement, hours worked, physical risk, or how dirty the worker gets. If there is any woman doing the same work as a man but getting paid less she should see a lawyer. There have been laws against that sort of discrimination for decades. In fact there's a taxpayer funded federal bureaucracy in place to do all the work.
Unfortunately, the truth is the real victim here.