Ted Cruz demonstrated a tremendous amount of courage when he worked his filibuster last year in an attempt to slow down the runaway Obamacare train. President Obama had an opportunity to throw in a delay and blame it on Republicans. But he didn't. And he demonstrated that he was oblivious to the technical incompetence of the "experts" in his administration.
But if you followed the msm coverage, Cruz was the villain. He was bringing down the Republican Party. The party needed to purge themselves of whacko birds like that to save itself. That was the narrative.
That phrase, "whacko birds," came from none other than John McCain who on Friday was complaining about Cruz's remark about Bob Dole at a CPAC 2014 talk on Thursday: Go to around 6:00 in the video and hear this:
We all remember President Dole, President McCain, President Romney. Look, those are good men, decent men. But when you don't stand and draw a clear distinction, when you don't stand for principle, Democrats celebrate.
That's what Cruz said about Dole, McCain, and Romney. Was that so bad? Cruz was explaining how to get young people to vote for conservatives and went on to tell how Obama's agenda would hurt young people by sticking them with the huge debt burden he created.
But McCain must be desperate for things to complain about. Cruz merely pointed out that Dole, along with McCain and Romney, lost their runs for presidency, a fact those three good, decent men should own. Instead of Cruz apologizing to Dole, let's first hear Bob Dole's apology for being a farm bill Republican. As for things McCain should apologize for, forget it. The list would be too long.